Our group strives to create a safe and welcoming space for the next generation of cartographers to share work, find inspiration, and connect with each other worldwide. We’re so glad you’re here!
We consider early career cartographers to include students in the later stages of their education and early career academics, professionals, and cartography enthusiasts. Not an early career cartographer? More senior scholars and cartographic professionals are most welcome in NGC as advocates for and mentors to the next generation of cartographers.
This website is maintained by the Working Group Next Generation Cartographers of the International Cartographic Association (ICA).
Upcoming events and networking opportunities
The next real-world meeting opportunities for the broader community will be at ICC 2025 in Vancouver, CA (August 16–22, 2025).
In the meantime, we frequently organize online meetings and meet-ups.
Any ideas, questions, or concerns? – Come and say Hi in our Discord chat!
Past activities & Media
EuroCarto 2024 (Vienna, Austria) https://eurocarto2024.org/. Besides many talks given by young academics, Next Generation Cartographers was involved in the following activities:- Next Generation Cartographers Meet-up
Over 60 people attended our EuroCarto NGC meet-up at the bar “Ponint of Sale” in Vienna! - Panel: Towards an ICA Code of Conduct
Moderation: Chelsea Nestel
NGC members participated as panelists as well as audience members, in a panel discussion that drew a lot of attention. - NGC Reflection on Eurocarto 2024
- Next Generation Cartographers Meet-up
Workshop on AI, Geovisualization, and Analytical Reasoning (Warsaw, Poland). Organization: University of Warsaw Department of Geoinformatics, Cartography, and Remote Sensing in collaboration with the International Cartographic Association Commissions on Cognitive Issues in Geographic Information Visualization, Geovisualization, and User Experience (UX), as well as NGC. See Abstracts of the ICA (Internation Cartographic Association), Volume 8. -
45th Polish National Cartographic Conference (Lublin & Janów Lubelski, Poland), Panel discussion “The future of Polish academic cartography - state and prospects - an attempt at diagnosis” [“Przyszłość polskiej kartografii akademickiej - stan i perspektywy - próba diagnozy”], organisers: Katarzyna Słomska-Przech, Maria Stadnicka, Mateusz Zawadzki. -
International Cartographic Conference (ICC’23, Cape Town, South Africa): Next Generation Cartographers meeting on Wednesday, 16.8., 12:40 (Session 28F); Paper presentation on the results of the Vienna Workshop and the current state of the initiative on Friday, 18.8., 11:30 (Session 45D). -
Podcast with NGC member Merve Keskin on map usability and NGC. -
EuroCarto 2022 (Vienna, Austria) Workshop Next Generation Cartographers: A cartographic colloquium
Workshop Commission: Edyta Paulina Bogucka, Florian Ledermann, Sebastian Meier, Robert Roth, Katarzyna Słomska-Przech
Contact us
- Chelsea Nestel (USA) nestel@wisc.edu
- Katarzyna Słomska-Przech (Poland) kslomska@ihpan.edu.pl
Join the community
Note: If you want to be added to the this section please contact us or create a pull request on our github repository.
(in randomized order on every page load)
- Merve Keskin
- Jakub Wabiński (Military University of Technology, PL)
- Olesia Ignateva (TU Wien, AT)
- Chelsea Nestel (Co-chair; UW Madison, US)
- Katarzyna Słomska-Przech (Co-chair; Polska Akademia Nauk, PL)
- Jakob Listabarth (TU Dresden, DE)
- Florian Ledermann (TU Wien, AT)
- Sebastian Meier (FH Potsdam, DE)
- Nianhua Liu (TU Munich, DE)
- Héctor Ochoa Ortiz (University of Camerino, IT)
- Tomas Vanicek (Palacký University Olomouc, Dept. of Geoinformatics, CZ)
- Ester Scheck (TU Wien, AT)
- Sacha Schlumpf (TU Wien, AT)
- Esther Amoako (University of Toledo, US, PhD candidate (ABD) Spatially Integrated Social Science)
- Narendra Kumar (Hemwati Nandan Bahuguna Garhwal University, IN)
- Zulfa Nur’aini ‘Afifah (University of Augsburg, DE)
- Andrea Miletić (University of Zagreb, Faculty of Geodesy, HR)
- Juliane Cron (TU Munich, DE)
- Dilara Bozkurt
- Ulrike Holfeld (TU Wien, AT)
- Marcin Wereszczyński (University of Warsaw, PL)
- Samuel Darkwah Manu (TU Dresden, DE)
- Fei Yang, (Phd Candidate, School of Geography, Nanjing Normal University, CH)