Branding manual
We try to keep the branding for NGC light to make it easy to use. If you have questions, comments or ideas on how we can improve the branding we are happy to hear them. Please reach out to us via discord.
Idea / Concept
The sunrise symbolizes an optimistic future – each new day entails hope and opportunities . As NGC we want to promote this perspective on the future on the basis of our cores values: inclusiveness, diversity, and openness. NGC is a network and a safe space based on mutual trust and respect.
The branding includes marks, fonts and colors for now and might be adapted and extended as the community and its work change.
Download resources
All marks can be downloaded via github (see resources). There are two types of marks: the logomark and the logotype. Both types exist in two color variants: the primary color variant and a light and a dark monochrome variant.
The Logotype should be used whenever possible. For applications where the subline of the logotype is no longer readable the logomark is preferred.
Monochrome variants
Two monochrome version of the marks exist: the dark variant for light backgrounds, the light variant for dark backgrounds.
Dark monochrome
Light monochrome
The headline font is Space Grotesk and the body copy font is Source Sans. Both fonts can be downloaded (see resources).
Headline font
The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog.
Space Grotesk, Bold, 36px
Bodycopy font
The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog.
Source Sans, Regular, 36px